Wise Women Know How to Safeguard their Sexuality
Know what tempts you and why. Marriage is the sole outlet for sex. Sexual sin is always destructive in one way or another. (physically, emotionally, spiritually) Sexual sin comes from hearts that reject God. People who refuse to repent grow increasingly perverse and leads to spiritual insanity. It blocks the process of our sanctification. People who engage in sexual sin disregard God. Sex outside of marriage is not ok just bc we love someone enough. This is not biblical. Scripture never validates, "how far can I go before it's sinful?" To ask this question shows a divided heart. An undivided heart asks, "how holy can I be?" We compromise bc the desire for physical intimacy is the most powerful drive we have. Sexual temptation hits us right in the ego. What happens if we give in: loss of honor loss of strength and character ongoing physical consequences regret death divine judgment The root of discont...