
Showing posts from September, 2015

Wise Women Know How to Safeguard their Sexuality

Know what tempts you and why.  Marriage is the sole outlet for sex.  Sexual sin is always destructive in one way or another. (physically, emotionally, spiritually) Sexual sin comes from hearts that reject God. People who refuse to repent grow increasingly perverse and leads to spiritual insanity. It blocks the process of our sanctification.  People who engage in sexual sin disregard God.  Sex outside of marriage is not ok just bc we love someone enough. This is not biblical.  Scripture never validates, "how far can I go before it's sinful?" To ask this question shows a divided heart. An undivided heart asks, "how holy can I be?" We compromise bc the desire for physical intimacy is the most powerful drive we have.  Sexual temptation hits us right in the ego.  What happens if we give in: loss of honor loss of strength and character ongoing physical consequences regret death divine judgment The root of discont...

Wise Women are Financially Savvy

Prosperity and hard work are correlated If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Get rich schemes don't work. Wealth gained hastily will dwindle. A lack of wealth is actually grace. Don't seek your security in money. God alone deserves our trust. We have no control over our personal security. He uses our sins and mistakes; he brings good out of our folly. Go back to God; His restoring grace waits for you. Let go of your regrets. Get on with what really matters. Ask God to transform you through your mistakes and to bring good out of it.

Wise Women Know the Secret of Self-Control

Self-control- emotions, appetites Submit to God's control Self-control- to be controlled by God Proverbs 25:28 Without self-control, we have no defense against our enemies (anything that separates us from God). Proverbs 5:22-23 If we seek fulfillment outside of God's ways, we live as fools. We don't dip into sin just a little bit. This is fantasy. Once we start downhill, there are no lines we won't cross. How high can we rise? Galatians 5 - includes self-control Self-control is only possible through Jesus. Walk by the spirit. The desires of the flesh are against the spirit. We are to starve our ungodly cravings. Hindrances to self control competing desires- our desire for control vs. what has control over us. yo-yoing means we have no control over what we desire (on/off relationships). torn b/w 2 desires wrong motives- we want it for the wrong reasons, tired of the consequences; it should be about God. Attempts at self improvement don't...

Wise Women Choose Friends Carefully

Bonds can form around sin. Real change doesn't begin with trying harder to not do something sinful. Change starts when we're honest with God that we don't want to try at all. Don't hang with people who indulge in earthly pleasures. Insecurity- if God is not our anchor, we'll find security in people (the wrong people). Friendships like this can't work. Don't make friends with angry people. We are conformed to whatever we focus on. Bad company ruins good morals. Surround yourself with people who bring you closer to God. Spiritually edifying. Not afraid to talk about our sin struggles. Be honest about sin. We need friends who will hold us accountable, not someone who will say our sins are no big deal. Our choices in friendship are a reflection of where we are in God. Taking over someone else's responsibility is more harmful than good. Get unentangled by codependent relationships. Co-dependency = fear of man Unhealthy dependence o...

Wise Women Know the Power of Words

We can significantly influence our wellbeing and others' by our tongues. What comes out of our mouths reflects what's in our heart. Influence others for GOOD through our words. God is glorified and others are blessed. Don't manipulate others for selfish gain. Lying is always caught and punished. Hatred and lying go together. It's a movement away from relationship. Bearing false witness- giving a wrong impression about someone. Refuse to defend someone who is being gossiped about. Pass judgement on someone's intentions or motives. Exaggerate the truth- ruins our credibility. People will take your words with a grain of salt. Avoid slander- destroy their reputation. Gossip- exposes an unfaithful spirit towards the one being gossiped about. Ruins friendship. We prove ourselves untrustworthy when we listen or dish gossip. Gossip always destroys bonds. Stirs up relational trouble. Flattery- compliment builds up, but flattery has an agenda. They are self-ce...

Why Folly is Really Bad

Foolish- doesn't fear the Lord, doesn't submit to God, feeds on arrogance instead of humility 6 Traits of a Foolish Woman Drawn into worldliness- devotes time and money into appearance, misses the freedom to age gracefully, materialistic and ambitious for worldly success Believes the lie that material blessings can be gained apart from God. The world will always tempt us to go after more stuff.  Hates knowledge- She rationalizes away biblical counsel, lives solely by her emotions, and fulfills her personal desires at any cost. Believes that her way of thinking is always the right way. Refuses to embrace God's ways, to give up a destructive relationship or bad habit. Scoffers never get what they seek. The root of scoffing is pride.  Complacency- ok with a mediocre Christian life. We are always going forward or backwards in the Christian life. We're never sitting still. We can't straddle the fence between the world and God. We may have to give up something to ...

What Exactly Is Wisdom?

Notes from this podcast: Worldly wisdom is centered on self. Biblical wisdom is centered on God. Centering on God enables us to enjoy life more. As we live out His principles, we realize that life tends to run more smoothly. As this happens, God is showcased as the All Wise One, and He is glorified. Where does wisdom come from? (Proverbs 9:10) The fear of the Lord What is the fear of the Lord? Recognizing that God is God, and we are not. Humbly bow before Him in trusting submission. Wisdom is the realization that God is everything. How to live wisely: build our lives around God rather than ourselves Proverbs 8:8-9 The trouble is never with scripture; it's always with us. Soak yourself in scripture. It shapes our understanding of life. The guidance we need will come to us easier. Proverbs 8:1-3 We sin because we think the wisest way is the way that will make us happiest. We let our natural passions direct our liv...