What Exactly Is Wisdom?

Notes from this podcast: https://www.rightnow.org/Content/Series/149678#2

Worldly wisdom is centered on self.
Biblical wisdom is centered on God.

Centering on God enables us to enjoy life more. As we live out His principles, we realize that life tends to run more smoothly. As this happens, God is showcased as the All Wise One, and He is glorified.

Where does wisdom come from? (Proverbs 9:10) The fear of the Lord

What is the fear of the Lord? Recognizing that God is God, and we are not.
Humbly bow before Him in trusting submission.

Wisdom is the realization that God is everything.

How to live wisely: build our lives around God rather than ourselves

Proverbs 8:8-9

The trouble is never with scripture; it's always with us. Soak yourself in scripture. It shapes our understanding of life. The guidance we need will come to us easier.

Proverbs 8:1-3

We sin because we think the wisest way is the way that will make us happiest. We let our natural passions direct our lives, and we make choices this way.

Chemistry masquerading as love is stupid.

The more we become characterized by the fear of the Lord, the less likely we will be to mistake worldliness for wisdom.

The only way to live out the do's and don'ts of Proverbs is to rest all our efforts on Christ.

If we want to become God-centered women, it's essential that we keep a close watch on what influences us.

Guard your hearts:

  • be alert to the temptations that come your way
    • turn away from sin; don't ponder the pros and cons of giving in
  • be discerning of whose advice we seek and take
    • Wise women don't take ANY advice that run counter to biblical principles. 
Every choice we make is determined by our hearts. It seems we're driven to make choices by outside influences or circumstances, but it's always and only our hearts that make us sin.

Each man is tempted when he's lured and enticed by his own desire. (James)

We stand NO chance apart from Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, our hearts are transformed. We still have to CHOOSE the wise way, but in Christ we can.

Humility- wisdom comes only through Christ, not from us

If we believe we're in control of our circumstances, we aren't humble. (Proverbs 3:5-7)
Trusting in ourselves and not in the Lord leads only to chaos and confusion. Wisdom begins by realizing that God's in control of everything that happens in this world and to us.

Rather than living in Plan A, we feel we're stuck in Plan B. The truth is, there is NO Plan B. There's ONLY Plan A. (Proverbs 16:1) If we think we're stuck in Plan B, it's because what we thought was Plan A was never God's plan in the first place. God is determined to accomplish His purposes for us, and sometimes He does this through the goals we set, but sometimes He does it by derailing those goals in order to lead us along better paths. God's ways with us may not always make sense, but we can be sure that He has a good purpose for us, and He's in the process of carrying it out, even through our crushed dreams or bad decisions. (Proverbs 16:9)

Grasping that God is sovereign over our lives is part of wisdom. We're less likely to get thrown down by disappointment. When things don't go as we hoped, we can live with contentment with the way He orders our lives.

We have to pursue wisdom. (Proverbs 2:1-5)

Obedience- crucial for acquiring wisdom
Don't fight against God's loving discipline. (Proverbs 3:11) God is always correcting us.

Wisdom leads to security. (Proverbs 3:23-24) Wise women have no fear because they trust God. As wisdom increases, anxiety decreases because we know that a kind, loving God is in control.

What makes you worry? Not having a husband? Wise women know that God is trustworthy and that He can and will handle all these matters for our good and His glory.

Guidance- even when our trust is weak, He is actively directing our lives

Good living- God shows how to live. We prosper by obeying it.

Happiness- the problem isn't our circumstances; it's our interpretation of our circumstances- an interpretation that is lacking in wisdom. Even unhappy times can be experienced with joy and peace when we remember that God has ordained them and that He's done so for good reasons. Lasting happiness will never be found in circumstances, but only in Christ.

Christ IS our wisdom.


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