Wise Women Know the Power of Words
We can significantly influence our wellbeing and others' by our tongues. What comes out of our mouths reflects what's in our heart.
Influence others for GOOD through our words. God is glorified and others are blessed.
Don't manipulate others for selfish gain.
Lying is always caught and punished. Hatred and lying go together. It's a movement away from relationship.
Bearing false witness- giving a wrong impression about someone. Refuse to defend someone who is being gossiped about. Pass judgement on someone's intentions or motives.
Exaggerate the truth- ruins our credibility. People will take your words with a grain of salt.
Avoid slander- destroy their reputation.
Gossip- exposes an unfaithful spirit towards the one being gossiped about. Ruins friendship. We prove ourselves untrustworthy when we listen or dish gossip. Gossip always destroys bonds. Stirs up relational trouble.
Flattery- compliment builds up, but flattery has an agenda. They are self-centered and after something. Flattery gets us because we all desire to be lusted after.
Wise ears- be discerning listeners. Don't get stuck in the middle of someone else's argument. Listen to both sides before deciding who's right.
Influence others for GOOD through our words. God is glorified and others are blessed.
Don't manipulate others for selfish gain.
Lying is always caught and punished. Hatred and lying go together. It's a movement away from relationship.
Bearing false witness- giving a wrong impression about someone. Refuse to defend someone who is being gossiped about. Pass judgement on someone's intentions or motives.
Exaggerate the truth- ruins our credibility. People will take your words with a grain of salt.
Avoid slander- destroy their reputation.
Gossip- exposes an unfaithful spirit towards the one being gossiped about. Ruins friendship. We prove ourselves untrustworthy when we listen or dish gossip. Gossip always destroys bonds. Stirs up relational trouble.
Flattery- compliment builds up, but flattery has an agenda. They are self-centered and after something. Flattery gets us because we all desire to be lusted after.
Wise ears- be discerning listeners. Don't get stuck in the middle of someone else's argument. Listen to both sides before deciding who's right.