Wise Women Choose Friends Carefully

Bonds can form around sin.

Real change doesn't begin with trying harder to not do something sinful. Change starts when we're honest with God that we don't want to try at all.

Don't hang with people who indulge in earthly pleasures.

Insecurity- if God is not our anchor, we'll find security in people (the wrong people). Friendships like this can't work.

Don't make friends with angry people.

We are conformed to whatever we focus on.

Bad company ruins good morals.

Surround yourself with people who bring you closer to God.

Spiritually edifying. Not afraid to talk about our sin struggles. Be honest about sin.

We need friends who will hold us accountable, not someone who will say our sins are no big deal.

Our choices in friendship are a reflection of where we are in God.

Taking over someone else's responsibility is more harmful than good.

Get unentangled by codependent relationships.

Co-dependency = fear of man

Unhealthy dependence on each other = idolatry = slavery

When people are made too big, God becomes small. Pleasing a person becomes more important than pleasing God.

What/who you need will control you.

"When people are big and God is small" - read book

Look away from the relationship and up toward God. It's an act of repentance. May have to put the relationship out of our lives.

Sometimes love includes separation. Wisdom gives us direction on how to love each relationship.

Be in tune to others' needs.

Jesus is the ultimate friend and will never let us down.


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