Why Folly is Really Bad

Foolish- doesn't fear the Lord, doesn't submit to God, feeds on arrogance instead of humility

6 Traits of a Foolish Woman

  1. Drawn into worldliness- devotes time and money into appearance, misses the freedom to age gracefully, materialistic and ambitious for worldly success
  2. Believes the lie that material blessings can be gained apart from God. The world will always tempt us to go after more stuff. 
  3. Hates knowledge- She rationalizes away biblical counsel, lives solely by her emotions, and fulfills her personal desires at any cost. Believes that her way of thinking is always the right way. Refuses to embrace God's ways, to give up a destructive relationship or bad habit. Scoffers never get what they seek. The root of scoffing is pride. 
  4. Complacency- ok with a mediocre Christian life. We are always going forward or backwards in the Christian life. We're never sitting still. We can't straddle the fence between the world and God. We may have to give up something to choose God. 
  5. Laziness- lacks zeal, refuses to fight against sin and live for God's glory
  6. Sinfully independent- autonomy from God and others, unwillingness to take advice, trusting solely in our own perception
Wrong relationship- pulls her away from God, friends are against the relationship, but she ignores them, need to heed godly counsel. Waste years in a wrong relationship bc a breakup is too hard to think about. 

Meditate on Prov 6:16-19

Rest in the source of wisdom of Christ. That is the remedy to folly. 

Wisdom is impossible apart from Christ. 


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