Money and Jobs and Books- Oh My!
Another blog about nothing (these are my favorite kinds). I've had alot of time to think some things through. I've realized that I make things way more complicated than they need to be. Life is not supposed to be hard. It's supposed to be enjoyed. I just put alot of pressure on myself to succeed when I should "let go and let God," as the old adage says. I have decided to do this with my job search and my novel. I realized that God will bring me the job He wants me to have, just as He's brought me every other job I've had. When I was working at the Limited, the manager from Express came in to recruit, and that's how I got the job. When I was searching for jobs last year, a recruiter found my resume for Dell. Both of those jobs landed in my lap at the right moment, so I should just trust that God will bring me the next right job when the time is right. God knows what's best. It's made the whole job search thing alot more relaxing, knowing that I...