There's No Place Like Home

WARNING: This is a blog about nothing, really.

This has been one very relaxing, much-needed trip to Houston. I love spending time with my family and catching up with old friends. After this weekend, I think God knew what He was doing by sending me to Austin. Although I miss some aspects of my life in Houston, I am very grateful for all that God has blessed me for my life in Austin. I am mostly grateful for the Recovery process God has bestowed on me. It has saved my life in a multitude of ways.

Recovery has allowed me to be single so I could grow as a person, pursue my dreams, and become the person I want to be without having a relationship to damage my life. Better yet, I have learned to find my identity in Christ and not in a man's approval. It is truly freeing. I would like to remember that I am ok right where I am. It gets easy to lose perspective in the midst of difficult circumstances, and I forget to be grateful for what God has given to me. This weekend was a reminder of my blessings both in Houston and Austin.

Maybe one day I will move back to Houston, but I have decided that I am not yet ready to settle down. I am on a different timeline than most people my age, it seems, and I still have alot of adventure left in me. I want to use this time of freedom to my utmost advantage. I have goals yet unreached, and if I go after them, I will be doing myself and my future family a huge favor.

This blog was just a recap of what I've been going through this weekend as I spend time with all the people I love. I am just going to trust that God knows exactly what He's doing, and I'm going to stop fighting Him on this one.


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