He Provides

I guess now that I'm unemployed, I have plenty of time to update this sucker. Life was pretty busy there for awhile, but now I've got all the time in the world to figure out what my next step may be. I am grateful for the friends I made in my last job and the stability God gave me for those short two months. But here we are back at Square One, and this time I am more prepared for it and more faithful for what's to come.

A lot of people keep asking me what I want to do next, and my answer for that is "I don't really know." It would be nice if somebody could tell me, but I know the only One who can tell me what to do with my life is my Father. I keep asking Him for a neon sign, but it seems He works more with subtleties.

I feel that I am at the age where I should start doing what I really want to do and stop limiting myself with my fears. I have nothing at this point holding me back: no relationship, no mortgage, no children, no car note. I have complete freedom to do as I choose. I could take off if I wanted to.

A large part of me doesn't want to leave Austin. I have fallen deeply in love with this city, and every time I explore, I find something new to love about it. But am I starting to cling to it for my happiness and stability? Does God want to take me further, or does He want me to stay in one place? Does He want to show me how much He can do in my life by taking me away from all that I have come to depend on? Or does He want to keep me here to show me how deep my relationships can become here?

I know that whatever He has planned for my life, it is good. And if He does decide to take me from Austin, I know it will be for a very good reason, and He will lead me to the right places and the right people. I just have to trust Him. I have a feeling though that I will always return to Austin. My life and people really are here. Even though I miss my family every day, God has done a great work in me here that I will never regret.

With that said, prayers are needed!


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