The Finish Line

I think the hardest part about going after my goals is not being able to see the finish line. All I see around me are obstacles and setbacks, and it's easy to wonder if I'm getting anywhere at all.

Today was the hardest for my ambitious little heart. When a girl like me who is creative, smart, and intelligent is sitting in a temp agency's office that is asking her to alphabetize words, she starts to feel that her intelligence is being insulted. Why did I even go to college?! I didn't get a BACHELOR'S degree so I could re-learn the alphabet!

Then, when I'm sitting in the waiting room to get food stamps, and all the people around me look on the verge of being homeless or having their 10th child, I start to think, This is not where I belong. How did I end up here? What's even more sad is that I actually qualified for food stamps. It can only get better from here, right?

I was told that God sees our circumstances in a different light than we do, and He can see around the corner. I also heard that if we are not failing, then we are not trying. Despite my circumstances, I am trying to see the end result, the finish line waiting for me around the corner of this dark, dark alley. I am trying to keep the image of the Promised Land while I am traveling through the wilderness because if I don't, it can be easy to lose sight of everything and give up.

I know where I want to be and what I want to accomplish in my life, and all of these crazy circumstances are actually allowing me to do just that. Although I am unemployed and living off of everyone else's taxes (thanks guys), I have the freedom and time to pursue my creative goals and the projects I wouldn't have time to finish if I had a full-time job. Although some doors have been closed to me, bigger and better ones have been opened, and I have to seize the opportunities before me and make the most of them. I know God has a plan for all of this, as He always does, and I know that I can trust Him to provide. There are good things that will come out of all of this. I will not trade in my dreams for my doubts and short-change myself.

I guess my main point is this: when the going gets tough, keep believing. Don't lose sight of your goals. Don't let your doubts and disappointments take hold of your dreams. Keep your finish line in sight, even when everything around you looks like it's standing still or moving backwards. The pathway of failure is only paving the way for success. (Atleast that's what I tell myself... haha...) Yeah.


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