
My Promised Land

In light of my future husband and children, I want them to have a wife and mother who established herself first, who didn't give up going after her dreams, who trusted God with her life and kept moving forward out of courage, who didn't settle for the easy life, but who defeated her giants and found the Promised Land on the other side. I want them to have a wife and mother who fought for her respect and dignity, who didn't give into her fears and go crawling back into her safe retreat, so that I can teach them how to do the same. The fight is not over yet. This is just the beginning; it's a journey, not a destination. This is all part of my journey, including the suffering. It takes awhile to find my place in a new city, including when I moved back home. It's when I grow a healthy social network that I start really loving my life.

What I Learned in 2014

What I Learned in 2014 having God is better than anything else we could ever want hope is what makes life worthwhile; keep hope alive, even when things look hopeless pray for what you want, but leave it in God’s hands and trust His wisdom over yours keep pressing on towards goals always do the positive action- take classes over giving up  sometimes you have to let go of people for a time, and that’s ok. find better friends. if God is not answering your prayer, surrender to him and enjoy where he has you don’t try to understand god’s plan; just trust him allow life to happen slowly; take your time; don’t rush; enjoy the slow time leave regret in the past leave success in God’s hands goals are a steady process; you can’t go from step 1 to 20. go from step 1 to 2 and be ok with the steady progress trust God’s will because our will might make us miserable you are lovable because god loves you God doesn’t have to explain anything; he doesn’t owe us an explanation. we ju...

What I Learned From the Magnolia Story

What I learned from their story is that you never know how God will provide, and sometimes you have to be out on a limb to see God really work in your life. Better yet, you have to be willing to go out on a limb to see just how God can provide at the last minute. Also, God will not place you on top until you are ready and have done the grunt work to prepare yourself to be in the spotlight.  If a door is not opening right away, sometimes that means there is a missing link that God needs to provide, or sometimes that means He is waiting for you to see the door in a different way. Perhaps it is already open, and you just need to see it differently. Sometimes we need to leave a door open instead of closing it and finding a new door.  God knows exactly what we need in the next season, and He will provide what we need and prepare us for it in this season.  Maybe God knew exactly when I would need a husband. He waited until the last damn minute, but he finally provid...

Lessons from Once Upon a Time

Sometimes our minds tell us lies to make sense of what doesn't make sense. But that doesn't mean those lies are true. Sometimes there is a missing element that hasn't shown itself yet. Give the benefit of the doubt- put your hope in the positive. Put your hope in love. Even though God doesn't seem to show up when we expect Him to, do we still believe that He loves us? If you want to move on, you have to let go of the hurt. Don't become like those who have hurt you. Stay pure of heart.

Keep Swimming

I see a girl who is struggling so hard to get her head above water. She keeps swimming and can't seem to find the shore. She's tired and wants to give up the fight. She keeps asking for a rescue boat, but God never sends one. He says "I will help you swim. You'll grow really strong, and you'll be able to overcome many obstacles." The waters seem to go on forever with no hope on the horizon for a change. But she can't see what God has for her beyond the horizon: her Promised Land. If she doesn't give up, she'll get there, but she can't stop believing in what she can't see. She will battle many sharks; she's already got scars, both in her heart and on her body. She wonders who to trust and what to believe in. She's growing tired and weary of the fight. She wants to let herself drown, but God is keeping her afloat.  Please don't give up. Please wait and see what's over the horizon. Please keep swimming. 

What God Has Done

He took me away from bad exes and healed me from the guilt and shame. He forgave me for that mess. He taught me how to express my emotions. He showed me how He can use my suffering for his good. He got me a job and my car and answered my prayer for a good boyfriend. He helped me to let go of negative friendships. He is teaching me how to forgive. He brought me home to my family. He wants me to experience joy again. He wants me to laugh again. He wants me to experience His love for me. He wants me to use my talents for His good. He wants me to find freedom in forgiveness. He wants me to know true love and stop hiding behind so many layers of hurt. He wants me to heal others. He answered my prayer for a sweet man who loves me for me. He has kept me from dying or getting ill. He has given me all my limbs and parts. He provided jobs for me when I needed money. He provided unemployment when I lost my jobs. He gave me Recovery when I needed help. He gave me counselors. ...

The Woman I Want to Be by Age 30

I wrote this when I was 26 years old. I am 33 now, and I still want to be this type of woman:  I want to be the type of woman who loves, appreciates, and accepts herself, imperfections and all. I want to be the type of woman who is not embarrassed by herself, but is gentle with herself. I want to be the type of woman who is gracious to herself and doesn't beat herself up. I want to value the experiences I've had and the lessons I've learned, even the hardest of lessons. I want to be the type of woman who knows who she is and doesn't let anyone else tell her otherwise. I want to be the type of woman who stands up for herself and doesn't back down for anybody. I want to be the type of woman who stands apart from the crowd, who shines out with confidence and doesn't back down out of insecurity. I don't want to hide who I am; I want to give glory to what God has given me. I want to be at ease with myself and at ease with life, knowing that I am exactly where I...