What I Learned in 2014

What I Learned in 2014
  1. having God is better than anything else we could ever want
  2. hope is what makes life worthwhile; keep hope alive, even when things look hopeless
  3. pray for what you want, but leave it in God’s hands and trust His wisdom over yours
  4. keep pressing on towards goals
  5. always do the positive action- take classes over giving up 
  6. sometimes you have to let go of people for a time, and that’s ok. find better friends.
  7. if God is not answering your prayer, surrender to him and enjoy where he has you
  8. don’t try to understand god’s plan; just trust him
  9. allow life to happen slowly; take your time; don’t rush; enjoy the slow time
  10. leave regret in the past
  11. leave success in God’s hands
  12. goals are a steady process; you can’t go from step 1 to 20. go from step 1 to 2 and be ok with the steady progress
  13. trust God’s will because our will might make us miserable
  14. you are lovable because god loves you
  15. God doesn’t have to explain anything; he doesn’t owe us an explanation. we just have to trust and depend
  16. leave people in god’s hands and let him change them
  17. praying for your enemies works
  18. when i face my fears, i realize there’s noting to be afraid of
  19. everything is going to be ok
  20. god is enough
  21. god is with you in the battle. he’s fighting for you
  22. god’s closed door is protection, so thank him
  23. god always has a good reason for everything
  24. resting from goal reaching is ok
  25. worry is wasted energy
  26. god is in control of everything and that’s way better than me being in control
  27. other people’s behavior has more to do with them than with you
  28. focus on god and not on your problems. focus on god’s kingdom because this world is hopeless but with god, there is always hope
  29. pray for everything
  30. anger is harming you
  31. god can heal anything
  32. travel is good for me
  33. get your mind off your troubles and focus on god
  34. your fears are based on lies. confront them with god’s truth
  35. god is not punishing you
  36. things never happen in my timing
  37. Jesus is always enough
  38. my days went better when i rejoiced in god and chose to be happy
  39. maybe god is waiting on me to make a move
  40. when i do things I love, it increases my hope 
  41. god will use my goals/dreams
  42. god still has a plan for me even if mine didn’t work
  43. don’t get discouraged when your dreams don’t happen faster
  44. it’s never too late to change directions
  45. don’t be afraid of the future. it’s all ok


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