Keep Swimming

I see a girl who is struggling so hard to get her head above water. She keeps swimming and can't seem to find the shore. She's tired and wants to give up the fight. She keeps asking for a rescue boat, but God never sends one. He says "I will help you swim. You'll grow really strong, and you'll be able to overcome many obstacles." The waters seem to go on forever with no hope on the horizon for a change. But she can't see what God has for her beyond the horizon: her Promised Land. If she doesn't give up, she'll get there, but she can't stop believing in what she can't see. She will battle many sharks; she's already got scars, both in her heart and on her body. She wonders who to trust and what to believe in. She's growing tired and weary of the fight. She wants to let herself drown, but God is keeping her afloat. 

Please don't give up. Please wait and see what's over the horizon. Please keep swimming. 


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