What I Learned From the Magnolia Story

What I learned from their story is that you never know how God will provide, and sometimes you have to be out on a limb to see God really work in your life. Better yet, you have to be willing to go out on a limb to see just how God can provide at the last minute. Also, God will not place you on top until you are ready and have done the grunt work to prepare yourself to be in the spotlight. 

If a door is not opening right away, sometimes that means there is a missing link that God needs to provide, or sometimes that means He is waiting for you to see the door in a different way. Perhaps it is already open, and you just need to see it differently. Sometimes we need to leave a door open instead of closing it and finding a new door. 

God knows exactly what we need in the next season, and He will provide what we need and prepare us for it in this season. 

Maybe God knew exactly when I would need a husband. He waited until the last damn minute, but he finally provided. 

"If you can't find happiness in the ugliness, you're not going to find it in the beauty, either."

"God turned my little dream, my mustard seed of faith, into all this (Magnolia Market.) God delivered on the promise of making my dreams come true in ways that were bigger than I ever imagined." 

"When I speak my dreams out loud to God, those dreams have a way of becoming attainable." 

God knows ahead of time what season you'll be in, and He provides ahead of time. 

"If I had planned my life, it never would have ended up like this. So maybe it's kind of fun not to plan. Maybe it's more fun just to see where life takes you. After all, we're living proof that sometimes even the messiest stuff and the biggest mistakes can take you someplace wonderful." 

Contentment is found on the way to the Promised Land. 

"Go and find what is is that inspires you, that you love, and go do that until it hurts. Don't quit and don't give up. The reward is just around the corner. And in times of doubt or time of joy, listen to that still small voice. Know that God has been there from the beginning... and he will be there till the end." 


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