What God Has Done

He took me away from bad exes and healed me from the guilt and shame.
He forgave me for that mess.
He taught me how to express my emotions.
He showed me how He can use my suffering for his good.
He got me a job and my car and answered my prayer for a good boyfriend.
He helped me to let go of negative friendships.
He is teaching me how to forgive.
He brought me home to my family.
He wants me to experience joy again.
He wants me to laugh again.
He wants me to experience His love for me.
He wants me to use my talents for His good.
He wants me to find freedom in forgiveness.
He wants me to know true love and stop hiding behind so many layers of hurt.
He wants me to heal others.
He answered my prayer for a sweet man who loves me for me.
He has kept me from dying or getting ill.
He has given me all my limbs and parts.
He provided jobs for me when I needed money.
He provided unemployment when I lost my jobs.
He gave me Recovery when I needed help.
He gave me counselors.
He gave me churches.
He gave me a safe country (for the most part).
He kept me from getting abused in harmful ways.
He gave me great parents and a safe home.
He gave me friends who care about me.
He gave me Christian community.
He gave me dreams and a means to pursue them (AMTC).
He gave me Jesus and the Bible.
He gave me Himself and lots of love!
He gives me food and clothing and financial stability.
He gave me education and a job.
He gave me so much opportunity.
He gave me wisdom and knowledge.
He gave me the ability to counsel others.
He gave me creativity and dreams.
He gave me the ability to write and many journals.


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