
Showing posts from November, 2015

Permission to Dream

Our selfish dreams are made to fill a hole in our heart (money, fame, power). But when we dream God's dreams, they are far better. You can't dream without the Holy Spirit. Why Dreams Are Delayed It won't happen like you think it will. God's plan is so much bigger than our plans. idolatry- your dreams can't be more important than God your relationship with God becomes centered on the promise of the dream you get mad at God concerning his timing or methods you try to make it happen in your own hands you won't lay it down As long as God is first, the dream moves forward.  immaturity-  without great character, great success will destroy you, or you'll destroy it God needs to build your character character is the foundation from which He places all promises your dream is about people if your dream is about money and power, it's not from God. it's a sick dream God's dreams are about people and bringing people to God if your et...

Fighting to Give Up My Wants for God's Will in My Life

No man's actions can keep you from having a right reaction that glorifies God. No man can stop God's plan for your life. When our dream becomes His dream, purpose driven, things begin to happen. Unless that dream brings glory to God, then it wasn't a dream worth putting our time and effort in. "I will do exceedingly, abundantly more through your imperfections and disappointments to further My Kingdom and leave a legacy of faith than you could ever dare to dream." Disappointment is divine intervention. Our dreams are lived when He resurrects the dream, when we simplify ourselves, and let Him be glorified in our life, whether that be in sickness or in health. Our God only needs to move a mountain in our life if it's in the way of His will for our lives. The faceless God becomes the most visible when He is our only hope. The battles you're walking through right now are not the end; they are the birth pains of a breakthrough and a new beginning...

J.K. Rowling speaks about failure

Failure is a stripping away of the inessential. Rock bottom became the solid foundation from which I rebuilt my life. -JK Rowling It is impossible to live without failing, unless you live so cautiously that you haven't lived at all, in which case, you fail by default. Life is not a checklist of acquisition or achievement. We don't need magic to change our world. We have everything within us to make a better world. We can use our imagination to change the world.

Desiring to Forgive and Forget the Former Things

Even if you can't make things right with the person, make things right with God and forgive. Feed your mind on the things of heaven rather than the things of earth. Prayer sets your soul free. Praise is great stress relief. Find a promise to hang onto. You will see a river in the wasteland if you get rid of the waste. How to reinstate honor: treat those you live with the same way you treat guests do for those you live with the same you would do for guests we get too familiar and start treating them unwell sarcasm is hurtful and affects your witness use your influence to set a standard of honor in your home turn off the phone at home. Be present. There's nothing on FB that can't wait

Desiring to Embrace My Relationship and Remain Faithful

Let us end this disgrace for the next generations. Stop holding the wreckage in your hands. Rebuild from the wreckage. (Read Nehemiah) Build only what is possible. Let go of what is not. Fast from people who destroy, depress, distract, or detour what you're trying to build. Your inner circle will determine the strength in which you walk in. You can be friends with those people from a distance, but your close inner circle needs to be healing. Who have I allowed in my inner circle who will destroy what God wants me to build? You don't know who your true friends are until that friendship is tested. It's amazing what we'll justify when we want our needs met, and it's not of God. Protect your husband against other women trying to take him, esp through prayer. Shield your marriage from affairs.

Desiring to Become the Woman and Mother I Long to Be

Men are the captain; women are the radar. Our husband is our covering, like an umbrella. We are not to break our umbrellas by demeaning our husbands. A woman who destroys her own household is a fool. Don't speak to the action. Speak to the king inside the man. Speak to the man he wants to be and the man he wants to become. Don't expose his weaknesses. Pray for his leadership. "Anoint this man to be able to lead." We need our men back on the spiritual battlefield. A lot of men jump ship bc they feel unqualified to lead. We are the first women in our son's life. Give your son a chance to play hero in someone's life. Have your son pray for the purity of his future bridge. This will make them want to stay virgins. Also ask him to pray for his future wife. Ask your son to pray for yourself because it'll train them to pray for their future wife. Set up date nights with your son so they learn how to treat a woman. Don't talk about mom th...

Fighting the Enemies of Shame, Guilt, and Regret

Stop being ashamed of your past. We are more than the mistakes that we make. The cross was enough. If you refuse to accept God's forgiveness, then you are saying that the cross was not enough. Use your past to help someone else, but don't beat yourself up about it. Only use it for God's glory. Embrace what you learned from your mistakes and move on. Guard your heart and mind from Satan's lies regarding your past sin. Don't waste Jesus' death by not letting go of past guilt and shame. "It is finished." God is ready to celebrate your return. He is not holding anything over your head.