Fighting to Give Up My Wants for God's Will in My Life

No man's actions can keep you from having a right reaction that glorifies God.

No man can stop God's plan for your life.

When our dream becomes His dream, purpose driven, things begin to happen. Unless that dream brings glory to God, then it wasn't a dream worth putting our time and effort in.

"I will do exceedingly, abundantly more through your imperfections and disappointments to further My Kingdom and leave a legacy of faith than you could ever dare to dream."

Disappointment is divine intervention.

Our dreams are lived when He resurrects the dream, when we simplify ourselves, and let Him be glorified in our life, whether that be in sickness or in health.

Our God only needs to move a mountain in our life if it's in the way of His will for our lives.

The faceless God becomes the most visible when He is our only hope.

The battles you're walking through right now are not the end; they are the birth pains of a breakthrough and a new beginning of the best version of you, and the invisible God will become visible in your impossible circumstance.

God doesn't waste pain.

Don't fight the battles that are not worth fighting for.

David didn't see the giant as too big to hit; he saw the giant as too big to miss.

Am I going to grow in my spirit or grow in my flesh?

Operate in your appointed position.

The way we face and fight our battles will become our legacy of faith.


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