Desiring to Embrace My Relationship and Remain Faithful

Let us end this disgrace for the next generations.

Stop holding the wreckage in your hands. Rebuild from the wreckage. (Read Nehemiah)

Build only what is possible. Let go of what is not.

Fast from people who destroy, depress, distract, or detour what you're trying to build. Your inner circle will determine the strength in which you walk in. You can be friends with those people from a distance, but your close inner circle needs to be healing.

Who have I allowed in my inner circle who will destroy what God wants me to build?

You don't know who your true friends are until that friendship is tested.

It's amazing what we'll justify when we want our needs met, and it's not of God.

Protect your husband against other women trying to take him, esp through prayer.

Shield your marriage from affairs.


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