Desiring to Become the Woman and Mother I Long to Be

Men are the captain; women are the radar.

Our husband is our covering, like an umbrella. We are not to break our umbrellas by demeaning our husbands. A woman who destroys her own household is a fool.

Don't speak to the action. Speak to the king inside the man. Speak to the man he wants to be and the man he wants to become.

Don't expose his weaknesses.

Pray for his leadership. "Anoint this man to be able to lead."

We need our men back on the spiritual battlefield.

A lot of men jump ship bc they feel unqualified to lead.

We are the first women in our son's life.

Give your son a chance to play hero in someone's life.

Have your son pray for the purity of his future bridge. This will make them want to stay virgins. Also ask him to pray for his future wife.

Ask your son to pray for yourself because it'll train them to pray for their future wife.

Set up date nights with your son so they learn how to treat a woman. Don't talk about mom things. Create fun memories. Let him practice honoring you, opening the door, picking your order.

Let them learn to fight their own battles. Diminish the view of the giants and showcase the size of God to be able to fight those giants.

Paint the picture that he is a warrior bc your son was meant to be a warrior.

Speak life into your brother. We need men of God in this generation. A woman can make or break a man by our words.

Don't speak to the rebellion; speak to the man they're supposed to be.


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