Decisions, Decisions

So it's coming to that time again when I need to start planning my next year and thinking of what direction I want to take it. Seeing that I still haven't found my "dream career," whatever that is, I have been pondering grad school once again. There are two areas of study that I'm interested in: Creative Writing and Interior Design. I still haven't decided which one would better suit me, but I think I would be happy with both. So anyway, here are my plans as of yet:

Plan A- MFA in Creative Writing at UT or other school
Plan B- Rotary scholarship to study abroad for a year
Plan C- Master's in Interior Design at any school I get into
Plan D- find a decent job in Austin and forget grad school
Plan E- (god forbid) move back home

So those are my plans in the order I prefer them. If anybody has any tips or advice, I need it NOW. I am having a hard time with these decisions right now, and I've been praying for God to give me direction, and He hasn't given me one yet. I am really starting to like Austin a lot and don't want to leave, but if God wants to take me elsewhere for awhile, then I have to go. So please leave comments and give me some sort of direction here. Thanks!


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