2011: On the Road Again

As we approach the end of 2010, I like to reflect on the changes made in the past year and talk about my resolution for next year. My resolution for this past year was more of a list rather, and here it is in all it's entirety:

  1. apply to grad school
  2. take control of my life
  3. think more positively
  4. live for God's purpose and not my own
  5. define myself by how God views me and not how others view me
  6. don't take things so personally
  7. trust God more
  8. be happier
  9. forgive more
  10. be easier to get along with

I have to say, I think I did a good job of accomplishing most of my goals on this list. I didn't accomplish #1, but that's what 2011 will be dedicated to. And for #2, I allowed God to take control of my life, rather than trying to control it myself. But #3-10, I feel I accomplished, and that is a good feeling. So now on to 2011...

I want 2011 to be dedicated to getting back on the road again... on the road to my dreams, goals, and ultimately, to myself. In 2005, I took a long detour off my path to make some mistakes and lose myself and learn a few lessons along the way. It was a long, dark road, but I feel that God is taking me back to where I was supposed to be in the first place. The parts of me that I thought were lost forever are finding their way to the surface. And the pains and hurts I endured for five years are finally healing, the scars disappearing through God's grace.

A part of me that I missed for five years was my self-motivation towards accomplishing my goals and my affinity towards success. For five years, I believed that I didn't deserve success because I made so many mistakes, but now I know this is a lie, and that I do indeed deserve success. So I have made a list of 25 goals in light of my true self that I will work towards this year. I don't care if I accomplish them all. I just want to move in the right direction. Having goals in itself is a good start for me to getting back on the road again.

In light of this new year and new goal, I am dedicating this entire blog to getting back on the road again, to healing and full recovery, to getting myself back. I am excited to see what this new year holds, and who I will be at the end of 2011. I know it is something good.


Robert H. said…
nice. Now I have Willie Nelson stuck in my head. ♫ On the road again -
Just can't wait to get on the road again. The life I love is making music with my friends. And I can't wait to get on the road again... ♫

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