Cheers to 2017

So I have to say, I am very, very excited for this new year. Ain't nobody can stop this year from being amazing, and 2017 is already off to a much better start than 2016. Last year, I was going through a very difficult breakup, and I felt so heartbroken. This year I am in a new, much better relationship with a way better man. And although I don't know where we'll end up, I am just happy to be with someone who is so loving and better than all the others. It's a learning process. I thought I would be single throughout the holidays, and instead God surprised me by reintroducing a special person into my life, and I got to have a boyfriend for Christmas and New Years and my upcoming birthday.

Aside from my love life, I am excited for my career this year. I am finishing my album come January and releasing in the Spring, and going on tour in the summer. I plan to write many more songs and seek sync licensing. I know it may be too soon to expect a decent living with music this year, but I will be planting seeds for that to happen in the following years, and hopefully I will reach a new height in my music career.

Through this new relationship, God has been really healing me from my past. He is redeeming me and bringing me back full circle, reminding me of who I was before all the mess I made. It's time to see myself as a success and not a failure. I know I will never be the same person I was in my innocent youth, but I can certainly try to find my purity back again. The main thing I want this year is to get my career off the ground. I'm tired of staying stuck where I am, and it's time to get unstuck.

I also plan to be way more disciplined in my writing. I've given up on having a timeline to finish my book because it never seems to happen, so instead, I am making it a goal to write for 30 minutes a day and seeing where that gets me by the end of the year. At least my book will be more written if it's not finished, but I do hope to reach some level of completion. I just need more discipline.

So I was planning to go to a party with my friends this New Years, but I honestly am so content to stay home this year and keep it low key. I have such a good life right now that I don't need to ring in the new year in any fancy fashion. And while I love my single friends, I am not exactly single anymore, and I'd rather just chill than be around a bunch of people (no offense to my single friends. Holla!) So I'm sitting here in my PJs, listening to the fireworks outside, texting my boyfriend who went skiing in Denver (so jealous I'm not there), and writing to my imaginary readers (hey you!). And I am smiling because of the hope of new possibilities.

I am determined to make 2017 my best year yet if it's the last thing I do. I am determined to get unstuck, to find success, to get where I want to be. I am determined to no longer see myself as a failure. So wherever God takes me this year, I am going to discipline myself to be the person I want to be. With prayer and petition, I will get to a better place this year. Happy New Year! Cheers to 2017!


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