I've been studying through the book of Numbers where the Israelites are scoping out the Promised Land to see what it's all about, and they see how rich it is, but they also see GIANTS! Caleb is the only one who wants to conquer the giants, but the rest of the Israelites are scared, and they'd rather go back to Egypt.

I find it strange that instead of conquering their fears, they would rather go back to slavery. Why would you want to go back to being a slave when you have the Promised Land right in front of you? Then I realize that I'VE DONE THE SAME THING!

I mean, how many times have I cowered out of fear and returned to familiarity instead of taking a leap of faith towards a dream? From the outside, it may seem like I'm a courageous person because I'm recording an album, but there are SO MANY TIMES when I have chosen the safer route instead of trusting God's promises.

God had PROMISED the Israelites that they would take this land. And yet, THEY WERE STILL SCARED.

In essence, they were not believing God's promise to give them the land. And guess what? Anytime we are afraid of something, we are not trusting in God's promises to take care of us. How crazy is THAT?!

I wish I could tell you this in a more eloquent manner, but I am just so excited about this study that it's all coming out all mumble jumble.

Anyway, this story really got me thinking about how I am currently not trusting in God's promises in my life, and I am choosing fear over faith.

Today, I want you to choose FAITH. What are you afraid of? Compare that to God's promises in the Bible. If you don't believe that God can conquer the giants in your life, then you don't know how BIG your God is. He is MUCH BIGGER than any giant. His hands can hold the WHOLE EARTH!

To God, your giants are but a speck of dust. So trust Him over your fears and go conquer your giants so you can take over your Promised Land.

Don't cower out of fear like the Israelites did because you know what happened to them? They died in the wilderness and never got to see their Promised Land.

That's what happens to me and you when we allow fear to conquer us. We die in the wilderness and never realize our dreams. So DON'T LET FEAR CONQUER YOU! Focus on the promises of God instead of listening to your fears. Do you really want to live a life of fear? Do you really want to go back to slavery? NO!

Caleb was able to enter the Promised Land because he believed in God. So don't focus on your giants. Focus on GOD.

Today, I want you to ask God to help you conquer your giants and to give you enough faith to overcome your fears. And then TAKE THAT STEP FORWARD to enter your Promised Land.

This is not going to be an easy ride people. It's going to be very difficult, but God is with you, and He will help you fight. Just BELIEVE, and you can ACHIEVE.

Are ya with me? Okay good! Now go fight some giants, you dang giant conquerers!

Love you and goodnight. Muah!


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