Going to Ireland

I am headed to Ireland next week, and I couldn't be more excited to leave! I need a change of scenery. Not that anything is going bad in my life. Things are finally pretty calm for once. I just need some adventure in my life and to get away from my 'to do' list. Every vacation I have had has been for family or music, so it's nice to finally have a real vacation where I don't have something to do except enjoy life. For 2 WEEKS!!!!

I have to be honest though. My ex has been on my mind, and I've been wondering how he's doing. Wondering if he's still with his new girl, or if he's ruined it already. My bet goes on the latter. But I still pray for him and hope that God is taking care of him because Lord knows I couldn't handle him. Only every once in awhile do I miss him. It's hard when I see a picture of him. But I don't want to speak to him for a very long time. God needs to do some work in him before I give him that privilege.

And then I wonder about my future husband. Where is he? Who is he? Does he exist? I just pray because I don't know what else to do. It's all in God's hands. But I do pray for him... for his work, his finances, his career, his relationship with God, his character, his guidance. If I can't meet him yet, then I might as well pray that he will be ready when we finally get the chance to meet. I don't know the reason for the long wait, but I am learning to walk by faith, not by sight.

I haven't been diligent in writing for my album. I needed a break. This Ireland trip will give me just that. I will miss my guitar desperately, but maybe I need a fresh mind for when I come back. My goal was to finish 4 songs before my trip..... I finished uno. I was trying to write different songs than my last, so it's been a challenge to come up with new ideas. I was so diligent when I first came back from Nashville, then it sort of dwindled out. You lose motivation after awhile. Normal, drabby life gets the best of you.

I've been wishing for a change lately. A change of circumstances. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have a house, a husband, and be able to do what I love without having to keep a day job. But alas... God makes us wait for our answered prayers. Something about building character, or some shit like that. I don't mean to be cynical, but I'm 32, and I want a house of my own. I don't want to live with my parents forever. I wish I could afford a house. I wish I could make more money. I wish I could be married. I wish, I wish, I wish. It just seems that some people get everything they wish for when they want it, and I... well I just have to wait. I'm so tired of waiting. I have so many ideas for how I want to decorate my house, and I can't even enjoy it yet. Sometimes I start to wonder if dreams, prayers, or wishes even come true.

Maybe going to Ireland will get my mind off of everything. Maybe I will be able to hear God's voice clearer among the green rolling hills and the rain. Yes. It will be raining almost EVERY. DAY. But hopefully it's more of a drizzle. I've been packing, packing, packing and checking, checking, checking off my list, hoping I'm not forgetting anything. But all in all, no matter what the weather is like, I know I will enjoy this vacation. My heart needs it. I just need to get away. I need a break.

So I must be off to packing again. Just wanted to take a short break to give you a gist of what's going on in my life. I know I don't blog as much as I used to, but that's because I'm so dang busy. That's good right? I'm busy pursuing goals and living a life. Well, that's all! I'll tell you how my trip goes if I remember to. Toodles!


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