Things I Learned in Brazil

  1. God will use my dreams and talents in ways that I never planned. God is for my dreams. I am not pursuing them in vain. 
  2. God will use my testimony in ways that I never imagined.
  3. People in indigenous tribes are just like us. They like TV too, and they still do daily life. 
  4. God works in the details. 
  5. God opens doors. 
  6. God has a good plan for my life. He can still use me even if my life didn't work out how I wanted. 
  7. God has a process, and sometimes it works slower than we'd like. 
  8. God loves the indigenous too. 
  9. People are people wherever you go. 
  10. I can survive the jungle. 
  11. Prayer works! Angels are watching over us and carrying us through the hard times, when we're out of control and feel like we may slip off the road. 


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