How to Handle Criticism

by Joel Osteen

Most criticism is based out of jealousy and a competitive spirit.
The more successful you are, the more criticism you encounter.
Not everyone will celebrate your successes with you.
Our successes draw out their jealousy.
This isn't about you; it's on the inside of them. Until they deal with it, it will keep them from rising higher.
God sends us tests to see if we can be happy for others' successes. Learn to celebrate others' victories. If God did it for them, God can do it for you.
There are going to be people who try to bring us down with their words.
Don't seek revenge or stoop to their level.
Shake them off.
You never win by sinking to their level. Rise above them!
Don't let their jealous spirit bring you down.
Don't live to please everyone.
It's impossible to please everyone.
Some people will always find fault no matter what you do. 
Love those negative people from a distance!
Accept that not everybody is going to like you. Find freedom in that.
Don't dwell on others' gossip of you.
Shake it off!
Don't allow others to tell you about negative gossip that others are telling you about.
Critics are just distractions from what you're supposed to be doing.
Don't expend energy worrying what others are thinking of you.
Others' opinions don't matter!
Don't try to get people to never talk about you.
Don't drink of their poison.
Don't try to explain yourself. Just run your own race! You don't need others to understand you. All that matters is that you're on the right course that God wants you on.
If you're going to do anything great, not everybody is going to be your cheerleader. Not everybody is going to understand your dreams.
Do what God has put in your heart and trust Him to take care of the critics.
It's not our job to convince people to change their mind.
We are called to plant a seed of hope in people's hearts.
The higher you go, the more critics you incur.
No weapon formed against us will prosper.
Your destiny is not tied to what other people think about you.
Stay true to who God has made you to be.
Don't let critics affect your personality.
Don't let others make you feel self-conscious.
The critics will always be there. Don't drink their poison. Don't let their stones clog your well.
God will fight your battles for you.


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