God's Ways

I was reading through the New Testament and realizing how hard it is to live out Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. How often do I want to bless those who hurt me or pray for my enemies? Um, NEVER! I have a hard enough time "turning the other cheek" when my own friends hurt me.

So on the drive home today, I just had to pray for God's guidance and answers because a lot of His Word just doesn't make sense. Instead of focusing on Shine, I would focus on God today and get right with my thinking.

I guess today I'm struggling mostly to understand God's plan for my life. Why does He bless those who hurt me, while I have to wait for His promises in my life? Why does it feel that I am the only one struggling? I know this isn't true. Everyone has their own struggles. But some people are better at putting on a smiling face than others are.

Something I have learned about pursuing my dreams is that not everybody is going to support you, even your friends and family. And sometimes they won't even understand you. I thought that once I started pursuing my greatest passions, people would finally understand me, but this is not true. I have also learned that even if people don't approve/accept/support/understand you, you still have to keep going because that's the path God wants you on. Sometimes it feels as though people are scoffing at me behind my back (or sometimes even to my face), but I can't let those people deter me from the path I know I'm supposed to be on. I finally feel like I'm on the right path, and I still struggle with rejection from others. I guess this is just a lifetime struggle that I will have to overcome in my own time.

Why is it so easy for us to panic when the slightest things are out of control? Why can't we just trust that things are going to work out?


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