God is Sovereign

Sovereignty means that God sees the end from the beginning and everything in between. He sees the path our lives take through the landscape, including the deep gorges and the high peaks. His hand directs the bend in the river and He pieces out the patchwork of colors and shadows. He is in control.
That difficult season you are enduring today? He has determined where it ends.
That painful relationship that has led your heart away? He traces the route out for your return.
That career path that’s hit a brick wall?—from God’s perspective that wall is a walkway into the next scene.

You may not see it, but God is working His character in you in a way you would not believe . . . even if you did see it.

Shift your focus from your circumstances to Jesus. No matter how hard you may try to control your circumstances, you accept the fact that you can never make them turn out perfectly. Stop bringing disappointment and frustration into your life by focusing on circumstances that you can’t really control. Instead, look beyond your circumstances to Jesus, whom you can trust to use your circumstances to fulfill good purposes in your life. Make following Jesus your top priority, and then everything else in your life will fall into place according to what’s best for you. Rather than placing your hope having your circumstances turn out the way you want, place your hope in Jesus, who will be with you through all circumstances and work them all out to accomplish good purposes.


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