Divine Connections

by Joel Osteen

God has already lined up the people you need to achieve your dreams. 
God has your mate lined up. 
You don't have to try to make things happen. Just stay in faith!
He knows who you will need 10 years from now. 
You don't have to worry if you're single bc God will bring the right people in your path. 
He caused you to be at the right place at the right time. 
Stop trying to make things happen and stay in faith. God will give you the desires of your heart. 
If God wants something to happen in our lives, God will make it happen.
Trust God to bring you divine connections. 
You don't need people to help you get where you need to be; God will help you get there. 
Everything is beautiful in its time. 
God has someone better for you in a mate. 
When God wants you to be promoted, He will make sure the right people come along. 
God will bring people who will further your dreams. 
Be cautious who you're in relationship with. 
When a door doesn't open, God doesn't want it to open. It may do us more harm than good. 
Pray for God to weed out those who don't belong in our lives. 
Don't be attached to the wrong people. Let go!  
Life is too short to get in relationship with the wrong people. 
Listen to the still small voice. 
Listen to the unrest you feel around certain people.   
God will keep you on His best path. 
You can sense others' spirits. 
If someone is jealous, that spirit can affect you. 
We become like those we associate with. 
You can still be friends from a distance, but don't allow them to get close to you. 
God has the right people to be in your life. 
If you're with the wrong people, God can't bring the right people. 
If a friend is pulling you down, make a change. 
Obey the still small voice. God's blessings will chase you down. You won't have to find friends, God will find them for you. 
God will send a Barnabas across your path. 
It only takes one person at the right time. 
Believe for a Barnabas in your life!
When God gives you a divine connection, He will open doors. 
Stay in faith and keep believing that God has it all planned out. 
Sometimes God uses problems to prepare us for what He has in store. God will turn it around. He will use it our advantage. 
Even when it looks like a disappointment, God is still directing your steps. 
God already has your husband picked out. :)
Keep standing in faith. 
God has a Boaz for you. Get your hopes up!
No matter where you are or what you've been through, God is in control. 
Don't overlook the seemingly insignificant people in your life. God uses everyone to be a divine connection. 


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