Disaster Relief

I decided that I need to get out and serve more, and I love disaster relief, so I was thrilled when my pastor announced today that they needed volunteers to help with flood victims. I have been praying to get more involved in my community and to spend more time with Christian fellowship, so this was an answered prayer. I raced home to change clothes after church and was the first one to the host family home. It's sad to see how much the flood really affected some people. They got 27" in their home, and we gutted the entire kitchen today, ripping apart their cabinetry, and the work isn't even done yet. I can't imagine seeing your home ripped to shreds like that. I would wince every time I saw rain if that happened to me.

But anyway, it was good for me to get out and do some manual labor, rather than sit at home all depressed because I'm all alone. I was going to go to singles group tonight, but all the dust from that house made me tired, and I have been napping since I got home. Plus, every muscle in my body hurts, and it's the best workout I've gotten in awhile. I have back problems, but I decided that disaster relief was worth the stress on my back. Now I can go to work tomorrow happy that I actually did something for the community.

I've been reading "Shattered Dreams" and learning so much about how God is enough for me. It makes me okay that I don't have much of a social life right now because I am becoming more satisfied in spending time with Him. I'm trying to refurbish my social life anyway, so I can have better friends. I am tired of people who can't be depended on. I have grown apart from my childhood friends for very good reasons: they are not the truest friends in the world.

It's been hard to make friends in Houston. I've been here for 3 years now, and I still don't have the social life that I had in Austin. And I still miss my church. I'm planning to make a trip in May. It's been a year since I've visited, and I need to see my friends there. I miss my 2nd home. It seems that Nashville has replaced Austin in a way, but Austin still holds a place in my heart because I learned so much from that experience.

Anyway, I'm hoping that with all the flood victims, it'll keep me busy enough so I can enjoy some rich Christian community. I want to help them rebuild once their houses are gutted. I would love to repaint and redecorate and put everything back together. I think there will be work for everyone for awhile. I want to stay involved and not get stuck inside myself and get depressed. I think the best cure for depression and a breakup is to go and help others.

Well, I need some time with God, so buh-bye!


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