Dating God on a Friday Night

I spent my Friday night alone with God, and I am perfectly fine with it.

Things have been going exceptionally well. Is my life perfect? No way. I still struggle with loneliness and depression. I am still grieving over my breakup from a couple months ago. I am still trying to get used to doing life alone.

I wanted to spend time with people today, but nobody was available. So I spent time in the Word. And I found that God is totally enough. I'd rather spend time with Him any day than spend it with the wrong people.

I found satisfaction in my loneliness today because I realized I am not alone at all. God is always with me, and He's always available, even if our friends aren't. I can rest in that.

Tomorrow I have a show, and I am excited. God has been opening lots of doors in the music world, and it's crazy how it's all happening all at once. It's like God had to get rid of my negative relationship in order to open the flood gates in my career.

I am still keeping my day job, and I decided I would keep it until it didn't make sense anymore. I am very busy with graphic design projects, and I need the money to pay for my recordings, so I'm not planning to quit for awhile. There are days I just want to give it up and never go back to work again. But I know I need it, and we have a lot of big projects right now that I want to be a part of.

For some reason, after my breakup, I became less goal-driven. Not in a bad way. I've just been resting more and choosing only a few goals to attain instead of 20 million that can't possibly be accomplished in one lifetime. I get overwhelmed easily, so I cut down on the goals, and I'm realizing more and more how much I want to start cultivating relationships and focus less on success.

I don't care about success as much as I used to. I guess now that I don't have a romantic relationship to distract me, I realized how important people are to me. I need community. Especially Christian community. I want to help people and heal people. I want them to know God more. But where do I find people to mentor? I don't get out enough.

So my goals are changing. I once wanted to achieve things for me, but I just don't care about me anymore. I want to focus more on others now. I am recording a faith-based album because I can't do things that don't serve a higher purpose. I have to do things that will help people.

I love songwriting, and I love using my gift and passion to help change the world. I know God will use this album, and honestly, I don't even care if this album is successful or not. I just know that I need to record it and get back into the studio. I'm just being obedient to my calling.

Well these are just random ramblings of a single girl on a Friday night. I know God is doing great things in my life right now, even though I feel sad sometimes. He is healing me from a breakup, He is moving me forward, He is preparing me for a new season and stripping away the things that no longer serve a purpose in my life. It's sad, but also exhilarating. I have moments of tears and then moments of excitement.

Today I am excited. Tomorrow I have a show, and I can't wait for it. Sleep tight.


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