Slow Progress is Better Than No Progress

Today I just needed a break. The slow progress of daily living was getting to me. I was frustrated with my day job getting in the way of my life, and all I wanted was for God to open a door to get me out of my status quo.

Then I opened an email and found this from, and it couldn't have come at more impeccable timing. It's almost like she was reading my mind:

"Many times we feel like giving up because it seems the effort we are making is so small. We think "Why should I keep trying to move forward? I've hardly made any progress." But small effort over time is better than no effort. You never know when God is going to kick in the momentum you've been longing for. He only asks for our obedience in the present moment. Take that, Wednesday!"

It made me realize that my steady progress is still moving somewhere. I may not see the results as fast as I want to, and sometimes it seems like I'm taking two steps back, but God will open doors in His timing, and those small baby steps are at least moving forward. I hope you find encouragement in these words as well. Happy Hump Day!


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