God is Working

God has been making Himself very known to me today.

I watched videos about people who had gone to heaven and come back, and all of them remark about how much God loves us, knows us, and has a plan for us. They said His promises are true and can be trusted. One woman was turned away at the gates of heaven because her purpose wasn't done yet. It made me think of God's purpose for my own life and how there's a reason for everything I have today: my job, my living situation, the people in my life. God has a reason for all of that. And how do I thank Him? I complain.

I complain about my job, my salary, my unanswered prayers, and what not, and I can't feel God's presence the way I want to. But He is there. Everything about my life is sovereignly purposed by God, and He will not take us home until our purpose is done here.

After listening to these people talk about how beautiful life is and how much God loves us, it made me relax today at work because I realized that God is working in my life. He hasn't forgotten me. He has a plan for me indeed. Even in the moments when it feels like nothing is changing. My purpose isn't done yet.

I also love the fact that God really knows me and really cares about me. Sometimes I feel too insignificant with all the billions of people on earth, but God is big enough to care about each and every one of his people and to know all of us infinitely. How crazy beautiful is that?

I started praying that God would show me how beautiful life is. It's easy to get cynical and negative as an adult when life doesn't go your way and you have so many bad things happen to you. But I want to be renewed again, like a child. It was easy to get happy about life when I was younger and didn't have to work a day job that sucked my soul dry. But I want to see life as fun to live again.

God has been making His presence known to me. Perhaps because I started praying that I could feel His presence more. I just want to know that He really is there, He really is listening, and He is working. I think He really is. We just have to open our eyes to see it.


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