Follow My Lead

There was a guy I met at a dance hall that was a pro at swing dancing. Any time I danced with him, he would swing me up in the air, turn me in flips, and throw me around the dance floor as if I'd been dancing for years. The truth is, I knew nothing about swing dancing, but because he was such a good leader, he made me look like a pro. As long as he guided my every step, and I followed him, I looked as if I'd been dancing for years.

Lately, when I've been asking for God's advice, He's been telling me the same thing: "Follow My lead."

"God, what should I do about my love life?"

Follow My lead. 

"God, when should I quit my job?"

Follow My lead. 

"Father, who should I record my next album with?"

Follow My lead. 

It was getting frustrating because I felt like I wasn't getting any answers. I'm the type of person who likes to see the whole picture and be prepared for what's coming next. That way, there's no surprises. A lot of my suffering has been caused by being ill-prepared, so I get a little anxious when I don't know what's coming up.

But God likes it when we depend on Him. That's why He only gives us the next step. I see my life as a dance with God, and I keep asking Him "What's coming up?" and He keeps saying "Follow My lead." So He only gives me the next step, and I have to trust Him that He will get me around the dance floor without stepping on any toes or bumping into obstacles. As long as He's guiding me, I don't need to know the whole picture yet. I just need the next step. I don't need to know what I'm doing because HE knows what He's doing.

God wants to take us for a dance, but we need to follow His lead and stop stepping on his feet. We can trust Him for each next step, rather than trying to take the reins. Follow His lead.


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