Finding Balance

I get the feeling that I overwork myself. Today I was dealing with a lot of frustration and impatience over technology. Let me tell you, it can be frustrating when it doesn't work.

But anyhow, when I get frustrated, I have to take a step back and give myself time to breathe and relax. Take a time-out and just inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale. As much as I want to accomplish my goals in one lifetime, I just have to be okay with not getting everything done in one day. Now that I'm single again, I have a lot of time on my hands to plug away. It has been a blessing, that's for sure.

But on the other hand, I set too high expectations on myself, which causes frustration. I got a lot done today, but I want to make sure I am making time for relationships as well, especially with my parents. I live with them, but sometimes I lock myself in my room and don't come out until I "get all my work done." Well, that's never going to happen with my laundry list of goals, so I just need to allow myself a big fat break and stop trying to accomplish 20 lifetimes of work in only one.

One thing that having a relationship allowed me to do was to find balance between work and play. When you have someone vying for your attention, you have to put down your work and spend time with them. Well, my goal for this year was to find balance, and that is still something I am working on, regardless if I'm in a relationship or not.

In what ways do you need to find balance? Are you placing unrealistic expectations on yourself? I encourage you to take a breather and spend time with God. For some reason, that seems to help no matter what I'm going through. When I start changing my focus from me to Him, it allows me to hand Him my burdens and to focus on what matters most.

In my "Jesus Calling" devotional for today, which couldn't come in more perfect timing, it says this: 

"Save your best striving for seeking My face. You must seek Me above all else. Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the Light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective. If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek Me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece."

Well if that doesn't convict you, I don't know what will. I'm out to go talk to God about all my goals and see what He says about them. Peace out, yo!


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