Change of Perspective

Today ended up being a better Monday than I expected. It started off slow and gloomy. I had no motivation for work, no motivation for my goals, I was feeling sad about my breakup, and I just wanted to stay in bed. I guess cloudy days can do that.

Then I met with my new mentor from church, and she changed everything! We talked about everything: my recent breakup (she encouraged me that this was a GREAT idea, and she's glad I'm no longer with him), mission trips, different cultures/religions, the differences between men and women, the hardships of marriage and children. It gave me perspective that I am exactly where I need to be. I am now ok with being single. I have the time I need to accomplish the goals on my heart, and I thank God that He is giving me this time in His ultimate wisdom. He truly knows what's best for me, and He knows that the demands of being a wife and mother would pull me away from my music, the book I want to write, and the business I want to start. I feel more grateful and motivated to keep moving forward.

I have decided to surrender my love life to God and leave it in His sovereign hands. I'd rather let Him deal with that area of my life, rather than me trying to figure things out for myself because that NEVER works out. I just want to focus on my goals and God, and He can do what I can't. I've been praying for my future husband: for his career, his character, his preparation to become a great husband and father, and his relationship with God. If I can't meet him now, at least I can pray for him now. When God is ready to introduce us, we'll both be ready.

In the meantime, I'm gonna be working on this long list of life goals!


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