Be Honest with God

Hey fine peoples!

I decided to update you all on life since I haven't spoken to you in awhile. Everything is going gravy. Today I came home from work and took a walk with God. I talked to Him about everything that was on my heart, and I was completely honest with Him. I think it helps to just lay everything out with God, exactly as it comes out of your mouth. Sometimes I can have a tendency to not be frank with Him because I'm afraid I won't please Him, or that some of my thoughts are sinful. Well, that just wasn't going to fly today.

So as I was walking, I just told God exactly what was on my heart, exactly as it came out of my mouth, and I didn't try to filter it or make my words beautiful. And lemme tell you, it helped so much. Sometimes I feel like a little kid with God, like my words and thoughts aren't fully mature yet. And I think it's okay to not sound like an adult when you're talking to God. It's okay to sound like a hot mess, or like a child, or to let your immaturity and ignorance come out. God can handle it. He knows the point you are trying to make, and He knows what's in your heart.

Today I just asked God to "take out all the bad stuff inside me and replace it with the good stuff." Not eloquent at all, but I know God got the point. He knows what I truly need; He knows what my heart wants. I think sometimes I'm afraid to tell Him I'm displeased with some things in my life because it makes it seem that I'm ungrateful for what He has given me. That's probably why the Bible says to pray "with thanksgiving."

I think it's okay to tell God there's some things about this world you just don't like; we're not meant to like everything about this world. This isn't our home yet. There's some things about my life that I don't like: sitting behind a desk all day is one of them. I told God I wanted a new assignment, that I wished I could have time to write and finish my book without having to keep a day job. I don't know if He'll actually answer, but at least I told Him.

I walked around two blocks just to get my heart clear with God. It was refreshing and freeing, and it cleared my mind to make room for more creativity. I want to make it a daily routine (or an ALL DAY routine). You should try it too!


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