Sex and the Neurochemical War

Going outside of God's will is a disaster.

It is God's will to be sanctified, to avoid sexual immorality.

Sexual ability is not what brings a marriage down.

Your first priority is to marry a godly spouse.

The same God who tells a girlfriend to say no to having sex with her boyfriend is the same God who tells a wife to say yes to having sex with her spouse.

Guys, you want a girlfriend who will displease you to please God.

If they don't obey God BEFORE marriage, they won't obey God AFTER marriage.

If they can't sacrifice for a couple years of dating, they're not worth a lifetime of marriage.

You're not obligated to carry someone else's sexual baggage. But once you marry them, you have to forgive their past and let it go.

When you marry a godly person, there's forgiveness and grace.

A person who's a giver and not a taker will figure out how to please you. You don't need to "try it out" before you buy it.


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