Desiring a Way Through My Disillusionment and Our Differences

Put your blinders on and fight your own race. Stop comparing yourself to others.

You don't have to have it all figured out. You don't have to have all the answers.

Don't allow someone's actions to control your reactions.

Continue to fight the good fight and keep your faith even if you're mad at God.

Even when it appears that all is dead, that's when the roots are going the deepest. God is helping us depend on Him alone through this. Use the pain and life lessons. Speak truth to yourself.

God will not waste this pain. Somehow he will use it.

Show me how to respond to this pain.

Keep doing what is right despite what other people do.

Refuse to give up your trust in God when the going gets tough. Don't lose the grand finale of your life.

When you're broken, be still and know that He is God.

No one's actions can cancel out God's call on your life.

Faith, hope, and love last forever. The greatest is love.

Satan's tactic is to break us against each other.

Our top priority needs to be to fight FOR the relationship, not against the other person.

Become a blessing to your spouse.

Let go of the little things. Choose your battles wisely. Don't ignore the bigger things.

If we don't confront, we will hold bitterness inside.

Try to figure out what they actually meant by what they said.

Division in the home is a spiritual attack.


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