Desiring To Not Give Up On Love, Men, and Marriage

Following the Lord doesn't eliminate pain, but it gives you the resources to persevere.

"I will prepare you for something bigger than what you're walking through right now."

Our foundation has been shaken. What is your foundation? Fractured faith
Satan creates illusions of hopelessness and makes you believe that God is not visible in our circumstances.

God is glorified when we are dependent on Him in the fire. Surrender your will for His.

He asks us to surrender our idols (family, marriage, kids)

Even if you never get a family, you have to follow Him and fight the good fight.

Don't allow other people's actions to determine your legacy.

Will you choose God even if you never get your heart's desire?

Your legacy is worth more than the life you wanted.

Don't underestimate the power of pain to bring you closer to God.

If you're desperate to get married, you will not enjoy singleness.
Don't fall into the "I'll be happy when..." syndrome.
Enjoy life NOW.

You can either see singleness as a burden or a blessing, totally devoted to God.

If what you see before marriage you cannot live with, you definitely won't be able to live with it after marriage.

When looking for a spouse:

  1. How does he talk about and treat his mother, sisters, and former ex-girlfriends or women? How he talks about women is how he will treat you. 
  2. How does he react under stress or conflict, or disappointment? 
  3. Have your parents' blessing for your marriage bc they can see things you can't
  4. What does he watch or read or listen to? If he's willing to compromise now for entertainment, he will compromise later. He needs to stand strong prior to marriage. Because he is the one that leads you. Better to be free and single than married and miserable.
  5. Do you complete his life? Do you have influence? 
  6. Can you follow him all the days of your life? Where will he lead you? 
  7. Do you feel safe with him? Do you become someone you're not? If he crushes your spirit now, it will be worse after marriage. 
  8. Does he respect your boundaries or attempt to break them down? Does he help you raise the bar? When we raise the bar, men will become who they're meant to be. Men want to marry a woman who makes them a better man. Keep your boundaries and moral compass up. 
Secrets about men:
  1. They are attracted to honor and respect
  2. Even if they compromise in their purity, they want a woman who is pure
  3. They like a woman they have to fight for
When we value ourselves, we raise the bar on how to be treated. 


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