Desiring to Find the Benefits and Blessings of Purity

Asking men to remain pure when we're walking around with immodest dress is tempting them to sin. Be modest in your dress.

It is not worth it to feel "sexy" or "beautiful" to bring a man down.

Women have been bringing men down since the beginning of time.

Take authority over your home to protect the men in your home.
Don't have cable TV while your son is still in your home.

Modest is hottest.

Purity must begin with us as the influencer of the man.

Stop walking around with an empty bucket asking for love. YOU ARE ALREADY LOVED BY GOD.

How we feel about ourselves will never change how God feels about us.

You can't give away what you won't receive.

A man who feels he is unworthy of love will always be looking to you to meet their love need, instead of God.

How do you judge your worth? Approval? Relationship status? It will never be enough. See yourself through God's eyes.

Don't exchange your identity for a lie. Satan strategically wants to give you a false identity.

Fast from speaking lies about yourself.

How do I fall in love with an invisible God? Sing Him love songs. Praise Him and speak it.

"Dear Lord, may I experience your love."


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