Character Traits that Build a Spiritually Enriching Marriage
What draws us to someone won't always make a good marriage.
Just because someone wants to marry doesn't mean they have what it takes.
Character Traits that Build a Spiritually Enriching Marriage
Just because someone wants to marry doesn't mean they have what it takes.
Character Traits that Build a Spiritually Enriching Marriage
- Spectacular Parent- You are choosing the mother/father of your future children.
- Can Handle Conflict- Marriage will make you angry. Handle it wisely with grace. Conflict handled unbiblically will tear you apart.
- Stonewalling- shuts down, silent treatment
- Violence- disastrous; one strike, he's out
- Someone who prays- God is actively involved in their life. You need to marry a prayer warrior. If they never talk about God, they never talk to God. (But even they do talk about God, that doesn't mean that they talk to God). There's not a day within marriage where you won't need prayer. You will need prayer more than sex, so focus more on their spiritual life than their sexiness or physical looks.
- Someone who forgives- We will stumble in many ways. Grace makes the home pleasant. A legalist will bring tension.
- Communicates well
- Humility- do they want to grow as much as they want you to change?
- Giver- it's exhausting to marry a taker who doesn't give. You will have to compromise on your life's call
- A taker's response is always first and foremost about them
- They'll give but almost always ask for something in return.
- How do they treat others?
- After spending time with this person, do you feel drained or rejuvenated?
- Is the Holy Spirit active is his/her life? Do they have the fruits of the Spirit?
- Does he push the boundaries physically?
- Are they at war with people?
- Fits of rage/anger
- Selfish ambition