From Future Me

Dear Amy at 29,

Everything is going to be okay. Everything you're going through right now is part of God's plan to get you where He wants you to be.  Surrender your control and let God guide your life. He will guide you where you're supposed to be, so relinquish the reins. God is working some things through you. He is healing you slowly, but He needs to keep you protected for awhile, so stay in His loving arms and trust Him to heal you.  God will lead you where He wants you. Don't give up on your dreams, and don't give up on life. It's okay if you don't fulfill all your dreams. God will still give you a good life. Don't worry about your finances. God will take good care of you. You will see. About your job: God will use all that you're learning. God will fulfill your dreams sooner than you think and in a different way than you think, so sit back and stop worrying so much. God is preparing you for a major breakthrough. He is guiding you to make you who He needs you to be. Just enjoy being home, enjoy the trip, enjoy the monotony because it will get crazy, and you will wish for monotony. Enjoy the slowness around you. Be calm. And breathe.  God has you where He wants you. What matters is how God feels, not how others feel. You will learn this over time. Just follow God's footsteps, and He will never lead you astray.


Future You


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