What's the Matter?

So after spending some much-needed quality time with Jesus this week and fasting from Facebook, a lot of the things I was worried about don't matter to me anymore.

For instance, my future. Yes it still matters, but I ain't worried about it.

How much I detest sitting behind a desk. Stop whining bc there are women out there selling their bodies to make less of a wage than you do. 

Being single. Whatever. You've got God, and God is enough. 

What people think. This is my cross that I have to die to daily and remind myself over and over that I am not defined by others' opinions but by Jesus. Case closed.

Shopping. I tried to go shopping today with all the coupons I'm getting. I walked out of American Eagle with nothing and thought about how many African babies I could've fed with the money I spent at Sephora. Spending money on myself just doesn't satisfy. 

What's happening on Facebook. Like this ever mattered. 

How I'm going to make money pursuing my dreams. How bout I pursue Jesus and see where that leads me? And stop worrying about money.

So here are some things that do matter to me now that I've spent some time with God:

The fact that I have a neighbor two doors down from whom I've never met. He's a war vet from Iraq, probably in his 20s, who now lives in a wheelchair. They built the house specifically for him. I don't even know if he's a Christian or not. I should know this. God has been pressing it on my heart to get to know him. I was thinking of bringing him Christmas cookies or something. 

There are tons of kids around the world without parents. Some are living in the streets. 

There are women who don't know they're loved, and they're trying to find it in all the wrong places. 

There are women in bondage who are trying to escape (I've been having some weird dreams lately). 

The homeless. The lost. The abandoned. The rejected. There are people who are cold and hungry out there. 


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