Things I resolve to do in 2014: Consult God before all my decisions. With all the opportunities that will be coming up soon, I will have to make some quick decisions. I just want to make sure they're the right ones because these decisions can direct the rest of my life. Eat healthier and start exercising regularly. My body is getting older, and with my 30th birthday coming up, it's high time I start taking my diet more seriously. Time to have more self-discipline in what I eat and treat my body as a temple. Learn music theory. Now that I'm finally putting my music out there for others to enjoy, I want to write more and better songs. The biggest skill that would help me is music theory (basically the mathematics of music). This would help me create better chord progressions, which I struggle with now. Spend more time with God in the mornings. I usually drag myself out of bed in the mornings and rush to work. I want slower, more peaceful mornings. The times that I succ...
I just wanted to update because I'm very happy with my life right now. I've been talking to someone new- a crush from high school- and we recently reconnected, and we are finding that we have sooooo much in common, it's not even funny. He might move to Australia with his job, but I am still enjoying this bit of time we have to talk and get to know each other. I can't believe this is my 3rd relationship this year- I usually have 1 relationship per year, and I give myself a long break in between. But I feel that God has lifted the barrier of me not dating anyone, and now He is giving me free reign. So far, so good because I have been dating MUCH better men than my usual. So I am happy because we enjoy all the same hobbies, the same music, the same everything! We do have some differences on religion (he's a Christian, but he doesn't celebrate Christmas), so that may be the make it or break it deal. But in the meantime, I am very happy getting to know him. In ot...
Happy New Year everybody!!! I hope you are all ready to maintain your resolutions this year because I know I am. I have a heavy plate to fill, so there's no time to waste in past regrets and what not. I have a desk calendar that has daily prayers for emotional wholeness, and January 1st really touched on something that I struggle with and want to overcome this year, and I will share with you what it said: God's purpose for our lives is to make us whole- which is the way He created us to be- and then to work through us for His glory as we surrender our lives to Him. Emotional wholeness means living without negative emotions and having peace about who you are and where your life is headed. When we pray to God, we are spending time in His presence. And in His presence is where we find healing from the pain of our past. Prayer draws us closer to God, where we can get a vision for our future and better understand our purpose. The theme that sticks out to me here is wholeness, and th...