
Showing posts from April, 2014


There's beauty in being broken. When you don't bear fruit, life becomes about you. Stop living vicariously through other people's stories and start living yours.

Seeking God

"As we seek God, we will discover His will, His plans, and His blessings in new found strength as we face adversity, and in the comfort of His presence as we communicate with Him in prayer."

Fear of The Lord

Qualities of the fear of The Lord: Clean Endures forever True Righteous The beginning of wisdom Good understanding The beginning of knowledge Strong confidence Refuge A fountain of life Better than worldly treasures I want all these things! I've been relying on my own insight and feelings rather than the truth of The Lord.  Lord, Please bring greater understanding to me during the next few weeks. What do You want me to do with what I have studied? What needs to change in the way I think, act, respond, or schedule my week? Is there a Scripture You want me to take to heart? How can I put this into practice?  Amen


You are loved even when you make a mistake.


Don't let life randomly kick you into the person you don't want to become.  -Dale Partridge "Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you set up a life you don’t need to escape from." Seth Godin

What's the Matter?

So after spending some much-needed quality time with Jesus this week and fasting from Facebook, a lot of the things I was worried about don't matter to me anymore. For instance, my future. Yes it still matters, but I ain't worried about it. How much I detest sitting behind a desk. Stop whining bc there are women out there selling their bodies to make less of a wage than you do.  Being single. Whatever. You've got God, and God is enough.  What people think. This is my cross that I have to die to daily and remind myself over and over that I am not defined by others' opinions but by Jesus. Case closed. Shopping. I tried to go shopping today with all the coupons I'm getting. I walked out of American Eagle with nothing and thought about how many African babies I could've fed with the money I spent at Sephora. Spending money on myself just doesn't satisfy.  What's happening on Facebook. Like this ever mattered.  How I'm going to...