Pray Boldly

Why is it so hard for us to pray boldly for our lives? Do we think we don't deserve it? Do we doubt that God will answer boldly?

I will tell you one time that I decided to pray boldly. It was for my car. My old Sable was running on its last leg, and I knew I couldn't afford to buy a new car, so I prayed for one. Here is what I prayed:

Dear God,
You know I need a car, and you know I can't afford one. So if it's possible, I need you to give me a free car. I really like my aunt and uncle's Hyundai Elantra. And I'd really like a sun roof!

About two weeks after that, my cousin called me out of the blue. After we made small talk, she said the real reason she called was because she had just bought a new car. She'd been driving our aunt and uncle's Hyundai Elantra and didn't need it anymore, so she asked if I was interested. After I said "hell yes," she said that since she didn't have to pay for it, she didn't see a reason I had to. So I'd just gotten offered the free car I had prayed for! Not only that, but it had a sun roof!

When we pray boldly, we entrust that God can answer our prayers to the exact detail that we ask of them. Nothing is impossible for Him. Praying boldly isn't selfish. That is what Satan wants you to believe. Praying boldly shows your confidence in God.


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