One Day at a Time

What does it mean to take life one day at a time?

I can get lost planning for my future or replaying my past. It's hard to live in the present moment when you're a goal setter. But God has called me to leave the past behind me and not to be anxious for tomorrow. To allow Him to take the reins and to lean on His understanding.

With Shine coming up, it's hard for me to stay in the present moment. I keep trying to make plans for what hasn't happened yet. I'm even making back-up plans for the plans that don't work out (I've gotten used to my Plan A failing). But God keeps saying "Stop! What are you doing? Why aren't you relying on Me? I already know what's going to happen!"

I hate uncertainty. I hate feeling unprepared because of the suffering it has caused me in the past. I was never prepared for the suffering. I guess it's a way of protecting myself when I should be relying on God's protection.

His plan = protection.
His plan = good.
His plan = better than mine.
One day at a time. That's all we have to worry about. It's called trust. It's like leaning back from a high place and trusting that someone will catch you before you fall. We have to trust that God will protect us before we fall. Walk out in faith, and God will do the rest. Don't worry about step #1,473. Just worry about step #1. And then take it one day at a time. 


Brandon said…
This is awesome Amy; sometimes the big point in following God's will is to just be close to Him/rely on Him (like you said) in what He's leading you to do (just that next step think Paul) & for your Christ-like character development so you can handle/bring glory to God/praise Jesus when you get more steps down the road.

Awesome Awesome! Love you! -B

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