Happiness in the Mundane

Lately I've been feeling discouraged and blah in the mundane moments of life. In this season, I am preparing for the next. I'm planting seeds so I can harvest a field of rewards in the next season, but sometimes they grow so slowly that I get tired of waiting!

Life can seem to drone on. Day after day I do the same thing. Go to my job. Commute back home. Watch a little TV. Practice for AMTC. Read a few books. Go to sleep. Wake up and repeat. I like variety, and not having that variety makes me feel stuck.

But lately I realized that this season is required for the next. God specializes in preparation, and in this season, He is preparing me for the land I will inherit in the next. Sometimes it can feel like a drought in a desert, but He needs me to till the soil.

So what's my plan for this season? A major attitude shift. Enjoy the mundane. Make the most of where you are and what's around you. Savor the slow moments of life because there will be other times when life will move so fast, we won't know what's come over us. Take your time in the everyday tasks and use those times to enjoy the life we have been given. Use those times to glorify God in all that He has already done.

I know for me, an attitude shift is not so easy. It's much easier to mope around my office at work and barely talk to my coworkers. It's easier to shut myself in my room after an exhausting day and read a book or escape with a TV show. But there is so much more life waiting for us to live and enjoy if we only just get out of our comfort zones. I will be praying for God to give me this attitude shift, and I hope you do the same. Who knows how much enriched life we will find when we take time to enjoy the mundane? Most of life involves the mundane anyway, so we might as well learn to enjoy it.


Unknown said…
I want to spit in Mundane's face, I am done with him! J/K. I totally understand, it is hard to shift through life without variety. I will remember this blog as I muddle through the mundane.

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