Who You're Meant to Be

If you give others control over your decision making, you will never become the person you were meant to be. (Finding Contentment)

For a long time, I didn't pursue my dreams because I didn't believe I was talented enough. Not only that, but I worried about what others thought of me, and I feared that if I performed my songs, I would make a complete fool of myself. I started playing guitar at 16, writing songs shortly after that, but I didn't perform until I was 28. That's a whole dozen years of worrying too much about what people think!

Is there something you're not pursuing because you're more worried about what others think? Don't give them that control over your life. You'd be surprised how good you are at accomplishing your dream when you set out to do it.


Bob Speakman said…
Great encouragement! :) When a person can be honest with themselves they can identify roadblocks and remove them.

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