The Simplicities of Life

I went for a drive to get some thinking out. Actually, I was trying to find a good book store, but there are none in Tomball. So I found myself at Half Price Books in Houston and knew exactly what I was looking for, but they naturally didn't have it (they never do). But I did find two hillbilly guys who were looking for a good cheap movie to buy. I mean, they were so hillbilly that you could barely make out what they were saying through all the mumble jumble and bad grammar. They were middle-aged, very badly dressed, and didn't smell too great either. But they made me happy... because they were happy.

I used to work at a job where I was surrounded by rich people all day long. It got really old. So to see these two happy hillbilly guys who thought a movie for $2 was too expensive made me very happy. They didn't need riches. They didn't need fine speech. They didn't need nice clothes. They just had life and a dollar to spend on a cheap movie (on VHS, nonetheless). I want to enjoy the simplicities of life.


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